Scavenging around the forest, the Wolf and the Jackal look very similar to each other, but they are very different. Wolves and Jackals are in the same family but did you also know that they have different species?. Wolves and jackals are like scavengers of the animal kingdom but the difference is that the wolves are also more like hunters. Their appearance look very similar. Some people may think they are the same animal but the only difference in appearance is their sizes. They look like the same size but, jackals are medium sizes and wolves are 10x bigger than jackals.
Wolves and Jackals do hunt in groups, but jackals actually hunt in pairs and wolves hunt in packs. Some jackals may congregate to loot a carcass or hunt larger prey such as antelope, gazelle and cattle, but they generally hunt singly or in pairs. Almost every time wolves are hungry, wolves have to find and kill their prey. In big game hunting, the wolf pack breaks away and surrounds its prey. while jackals normally live alone and wolves typically live in packs.
The black-backed jackal has black hair that runs from neck to tail. The rest of the body is garnet or ginger in color and the chest is white. The physical features of the jackal look like a dog, but the wolves also have slight similarities with dogs too. Gray wolves or timber wolves are canines with long, bushy tails that often have black tips. Their coat color is usually a mixture of gray and brown with beige facial markings and undersides, but the color can range from solid white to brown or black. Gray wolves look a bit like a large German shepherd dog.
In conclusion The Wolf and The Jackal may look like the same animal at first sight, the physical features and the behavior proves that they are different from each other. Although some of the taxonomy in both animals are the same they are still different animals. Jackals are medium size while the wolf are 10x bigger. The behaviours of a jackal usually scavenge more and hunt medium size animals or sometimes big animals, The wolf is more of a hunter they will hunt big animals. A jackal will usually hunt in pairs wolves will hunt in packs. with all of these information we can say that The wolf and The jackal are 2 different animals.