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How similar are Eurasian Teals to Pacific Black Ducks?


The Eurasian Teal and Pacific Black Duck both come from the same kingdom, which is Animalia and they both are from a genus called Anas. Even though the Eurasian Teal and Pacific Black Duck have a lot in common, they have a lot of different characteristics from the colour of their feathers, to their sizes.

The Eurasian Teal is found on all major six continents of the world, and they are known to be game birds, but one type of Eurasian Teal that stands out the most is the Holarctic green-winged teal whereas the Pacific Black Duck is also found on all major six continents. Both animals are typically found in freshwater. Even though they are common to all continents of the world, Eurasian Teals are mostly found in Europe and Asia while the Pacific Black Ducks are found everywhere but both animals are not found in the continent Antarctica.

Eurasian Teals weigh about as much as a can of tomato soup, which is normally around 340-360 grams and the Pacific Black Duck, which is much heavier than the Eurasian Teal normally weighs as much as one whole pineapple and two medium sized apples w

hich is approximately 1025-1114 grams. But their weights aren’t the only very different characteristics of theirs. Eurasian Teals are 34-43 centimetres and Pacific Black Ducks are 54-61 centimetres. Both birds have flat beaks, however, Eurasian teals have a more slim beak while the Pacific Black Duck has a wider beak.

Unfortunately, Pacific Black Ducks don’t live very long as they only have a life span of two years, but crazy enough, the Eurasian teal can live longer than dogs, as they have a life span of twenty seven years. The population size of the Pacific Black Duck is 130,000 to 1,200,000 million while the population of the Eurasian teal is around 6,600,000 million to 7,700,000 million.

The first impression of the Pacific Black Duck is that the feathers would all be black but actually, the Pacific Black Duck’s feathers are a very dark brown. As a matter of fact, the only black part of their whole body is a black stripe that runs down their face and in New Zealand, they are known as the Grey Duck. Their feathers are mostly made up of the colour brown, and a dark br

own stripe running down from the bottom of their eye to their

beaks. However, the Eurasian Teal has a small area of emerald-green feathers when they flap

their wings and a spotty pattern going right along their necks. They also have two brown stripes on both sides of its faces and also a green stripe running along between them with a whit

e line separating the colours from each other.

The diet of the Eurasian Teal mainly consists of aquatic invertebrates, which means that all of the animals they eat do not have backbones such as crustaceans, insects and their larvae, mollusks and worms while the diet of the Pacific Black Duck mainly vegetarian, feeding on seeds of aquatic plants such as small crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic insects.

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1 Comment

Nov 04, 2021

I never knew the Pacific Black Duck was called the Grey Duck in New Zealand, and I'm half New Zealander

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