There are plenty of things that we human knows about electricity. We can search about it on the internet, and we learn the importance of it and use it in our daily lives. Without electricity everything feels harder now. We depend our Wi-Fi connection, television, charger, and a lot of house supplies to the electricity supports. So, with that we know that the purpose of electricity is to provide help and make things easier these days. But, have we fully understood how electricity works? Why do people find it hard to do so, and choose to live without electricity while it was created to make our lives simpler? Is understanding technology really that hard? This essay will talk about my research on people’s struggle about their understanding of the electricity’s concept not their definitions, upon their own opinions and mine, with some of my colleague’s opinions on this matter.
Electricity has a simple concept to understand, they say. It’s just people find the use of it were too difficult. How is it? Misconception is one of the things why electricity seems difficult to learn. Because we avoid complicated explanations, so that we simplify the complex parts that it ends up in a whole different concept from electricity itself. I ask my father’s opinion on this one, and he quoted “Electricity is thought to be abstract, complicated, confusing, mysterious, and invisible, with behaviour which frequently goes against common sense, and anyone who can't understand it has just not worked hard enough. No. In fact, electricity explanations are contradictory, confusing, needlessly abstract, and frequently go against reality and common sense”. From him I get that electricity isn’t something you can simply grasp and explain to others if you haven’t really got into the real meaning of it, which is nothing. It is meant to be just that and there’s really no explanation about it. But we can’t just leave them be, so we made the explanations ourselves to make it easier.
After all that, how are we supposed to understand them? Electricity is basically a part of our daily lives. It does not make sense to use the advantages of it, but understand nothing about their concept. If it’s that hard, what should we do to understand them better? That is why we’re learning electricity in school, to understand them better. There’s no way to grasp the whole thing, but by learning to use it, the definitions of it, we’re already learning about the abstractness of electricity. We learn and understand by using it, by seeing with our own eyes. While it’s true that electricity is wafering because it’s too uncertain. But we do find out why is it so hard to understand it.
To conclude the essay, electricity is indeed difficult to understand. Whether it’s because of their definitions or just their quality of their concept which I believe and now you know that people tend to find it too confusing and abstract. The one way out is to slowly learning the importance of it and pass it to the next generations so that the electricity discourse would someday be discovered and people would understand electricity wholly without the misconception.

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Some very good arguments about why we should have good science educatation. Well done