The reason why we decided to create a cross subject Physics and English website is to make learning more meaningful by you developing real life research and presentation skills as well as you creating meaningful content that others can use to review the topic.
Dewi Pramesti Kusumaningrum: Physics Teacher, Sekolah Cita Buana
Kerensa Johnston: Language Arts Teacher, Sekolah Cita Buana
We hope you enjoy this project!

Ibu Kerensa
Ibu Kerensa has been at Cita Buana for 9 years. She has an amateurs love of science and a passion for English. She sees the ability to communicate oneself and having a strong scientific base as being crucial to fixing problems in the world. She is very excited by this project that is addressing the big issues of energy in a world where we need to find solutions. These students will be the leaders of the future.

Ibu Pramesti
Ibu Pramesti has been teaching Physics for three years in Sekolah Cita Buana. Physics and Space Science has been her lifetime passion since she was a little girl. She likes to wonder about many things in the universe, how they came to be, how they work, and where these all lead us to. She is always eager to share the story about how wonderful the universe is to her students in the Physics classroom. When Ibu Kerensa asked her if they could make a cross-discipline project between Physics and English, she was very excited and accepted it without doubt. She hopes this project would be a great memory for students to remember her by from their online learning in this year. She expects students can learn the most from this collaboration, as well as share their knowledge about what they’ve learned to others through this website. She is more than happy with how the students final work and the class website turned to be.