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Household Scale Solar Energy Utilization

Yehezkia Felice


Force is an influence tending to change the motion of a body or produce motion or stress in a stationary body. The magnitude of such an influence is often calculated by multiplying the mass of the body by its acceleration.

An example of a force related to static electricity is the Coulomb force. The formula in the below :

F=k q1q2r2

Where F represents the static electric force in Newton units, q1 and q2 represents the first and second object charges, with Coulomb units, r represents the distance between object charge 1 and object charge 2 in meters, k represents the static electricity constant of 9x109 Nm2C-2.

The application of static electricity occurs in the manufacture of electricity from sunlight using modern solar cell technology. Sunlight containing photon particles can hit the solar cell atoms, causing great energy to separate electrons. These electrons move to the conduction band and valence band, causing the atom that has lost electrons to be positively electrons to be positively charged and is called a “ hole “. Then the electrons will move away from, the negative region, while the “hole” moves away from the positive region. The movement occurs at the PN junction. This movement creates an electric current so that electrical energy appears for human needs.


Energy has become support its vital need of society that is needed to sustain life and support its daily activities. For example, to cook their food, humans need heat energy or to meet water needs in urban areas, people need electrical energy to turn on and run water pumps. Electrical energy that is generally used by the people of Indonesia comes from power plants that use fossil fuels. The disadvantage of using fossil fuels is that their combustion produces green house gases, there by increasing the concentration of green house gases on earth, which causes an increase in the earth’s temperature and global warming. The earth is getting, so humans have to think about switching from fuels that area not environmentally friendly to fuels that are environmentally friendly. Utilization of solar thermal energy can be an option. Example of daily life applications are Household Scale Solar Energy Utilization.


Electrical energy is a very vital need for people in urban areas to support their daily activities. For example, cooking food requires an electric stove, electrical energy is used to turn on the water pump, electricity is used to turn on the lights when the weather is cloudy in the morning, both at home and in the office.

Generally, Indonesian people use fossil fuels to produce electricity. The disadvantage of using fossil fuels is that their combustion produces greenhouse gasses, thereby increasing the concentration of greenhouse gasses on earth, which causes an increase in the earth’s temperature and global warming. Therefore, The Indonesian people use solar thermal energy as an environmentally friendly alternative energy to produce electrical energy to carry out daily household needs.

This is picture example about Household Scale Solar Energy Utilization

The sun is a source of unlimited and renewable energy, especially the electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun. The use of solar energy does not require combustion so it does not produce exhaust gases in the form of greenhouse gases.

The use of solar energy is done by converting sunlight into heat or electrical energy to meet human energy needs, Utilization of solar energy is done by converting sunlight directly into heat or electrical energy. Two types of solar energy are sunlight and photovoltaic, I,e. solar power.

The basic material for capturing sunlight and converting into energy is a semiconductor material. Generally the material used is silicone material, black. This basic material is made into slabs and mounted on poles so that they can be directed directly at the sun. Silicon is a material that can reflect the sun like glass.

The workings of silicon glass slabs or what can be referred to as solar panels are large silicon glasses that concentrate sunlight on a single line or point. Concentration of sunlight will produce heat. Then, the heat generated is used to produce hot steam. The heat of the steam pressure is used to run a turbine which then produces electricity.

In general any solar power plant, whether it is a home or a large industrial station, consists of the following components :

  1. Set of panels the target is to convert sunlight into electricity.

  2. Charge controller serves for efficient battery charging or switching between used power sources. The controller decides which energy source the system will use.

  3. Batteries needed to store excess electricity, for use later at night when the solar panels are not operating. In some cases, it is not necessary to use batteries, for example, in on grid systems or systems that use all of the electrical energy immediately.

  4. AC / DC Inverter serves to convert the DC current of solar panels or batteries into alternating current / AC used in most household appliances. Other equipment cables, connections, ,mounting brackets, temperature sensors, and more.


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